emergent math

Lessons, Commentary, Coaching, and all things mathematics.

Prepping the Math Blogging Retrospectus 2013: I need your favorite math reads from this year!

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I hope you’ve been bookmarking, fav-ing, feedly-ing, and whatever else you do to keep track of the math blogging posts that you’ve appreciated this past year. Last year’s Math Blogging Retrospectus got a really nice response, if only from myself (I like to reread it from time to time for inspiration and entertainment). I asked for math blog posts so I’d have something to read and wound up just assembling your recommendations into a catalog.

A brief primer can be found here, but an even briefer primer is as follows:

It’s incredibly difficult to keep track of the ever-growing Math Blogosphere. Keeping up with posts is like trying to hold water in your hands. I’m looking for timeless or timely math blog posts that inspired, touched, and/or entertained you. This decidedly NOT a voting thing. It’s NOT a ranking. And for the love of all things holy, it’s not an EDUBLOG award thing. If a blog post touched a single person, I’d like to capture it: chances are it’ll touch another. There are math blogs that I and you do not even know about, but someone reading this does. Let’s all partake in some shared sharing. Share a link to a few (or several!) blog post that you truly enjoyed, I’ll do some of my patented copying and pasting and attempt to assemble it into a tome that can be downloaded or printed out. They could be short posts on instructional practices or problem ideas. They could be longreads of reflections on teaching and systemic issues. Any and all types are welcome. 

I’ll start.

Here are ten blog posts that I really appreciated this past year (though I’ve clearly appreciated many, many more):

Needless to say, you needn’t share 10 blog posts. Share one, or a few (or none, and just come back later to see whatever other folks posted!). Feel free to post links in the comments. And don’t shy about “+1″ing or “ditto”ing a post if someone stole it from you.

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